Old-New Bridge of Mannar

Discover the old bridge of Mannar which was the initial link between Mannar and the mainland and which was destroyed during the Sri Lankan Civil war and fragments of it still remain.


  • The old bridge was built in the 1930s which gave connection between Mannar Island and the mainland
  • It was destroyed by an explosion during the 30 year civil war
  • A new bridge was constructed to help more reach to the island and back
  • The new bridge has helped the livelihood of the people of Mannar hence building it into a new tourist destination


The old bridge of Mannar was initially the only link connecting the mainland and Mannar Island, a structure of a single lane causeway and bridge which was constructed in the 1930s. During the civil war in 1990, the bridge had been destroyed by an explosions caused by the rebel group of Liberation Tamil Tigers if Eelam in which parts of it remained. Sri Lanka security force had rebuilt a temporary bridge so as to provide an entry point for people to enter the island but its structure was not strong enough to hold vehicles over 10 tonnes.
Therefore, a plan was executed in 2007 to construct a new bridge in which construction had begun but had to be ceased due to increased tensions of the civil war. Building of the bridge was re-started as soon as the war had ended and was completed extending its length 3.14km longer and was officially opened in March 2010.
This two lane bridge is a part of the A14 Medawachchiya-Talaimannar highway. Mannar was an area that was difficult to develop as a destination due to lack of connection with the mainland, but now it is changing due to the new bridge hence the living standards of the people have improved and Mannar has become a newly discovered tourist destination.